Get the lates Naruto 「ナルトネタバレ」 534 Spoilers and predictions. And if you would like to discuss the spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below.

Naruto 534 Spoilers Pictures
Choji (sous sa forme papillon) balance au loin Asuma
Asuma le félicite/compliment
Shikamaru participent également au combat Shikamaru met Asuma à terre en utilisant les lames de Chakra
Asuma félicitent ses trois disciples Asuma meurt en paix
Naruto a un mauvais pressentiment Il s’enfuit prétextant vouloir aller au toilettesBee : Attends au moins que je te montre où sont les toilettesHachibi : Arrête-le !!Un groupe de gardes se dresse devant Naruto. 534: farewell, ino shika cho!!Caption “choji, the emergence of determination!!” Ino: ! (choji’s got thin!..does this mean its the ? he once did)Shika: its like…the same effect as the pepper-pill. is he ok?Choza: yes he is! (2nd babble unreadable)He pulled off ‘ Control’, a secret of Amikichi clan, by himself without using a chrysalis. Therefore, no ill effect of a medicine.Asuma: Was the pupal shell harder than you thought?Now then…you can fly, right? the 3ndasuma:i have nothing to teach you anymore”It was the perfect ino-shika-cho!ino:…sensei…shika: …asuma…cho: asuma sensei (thank you) the 2ndnaruto:…then, we can talk outside?Iruka: Gen-san.(shino’s papa)..i will talk to him.Naruto:!!?Naruto: I (pronounced as ‘e’)…Iruka sensei!!End caption “Iruka to persuade naruto…!” Naruto 534 Spoilers Summaries Credits: OhanaVerification: ConfirmedTranslation: Geg 蝶チョウジ、アスマぶっ飛ばす。褒めるアスマイノ、シカマルも参加してシカマル、チャクラ刀でアスマ仕留める。アスマ、イノシカ蝶べた褒めアスマ成仏。チリナルト、異変に気づく。トイレ行くと嘘ついてダッシュビー トイレの場所説明八尾 止めろよ!!ナルトの前に見張り役がぞろぞろシノパパが話し始めようとするとイルカ先生が出てくる。パラ見のサーセイ。 Butterfly-Chouji sends Asuma flyingAsuma commends himIno and Shikamaru participate as wellShikamaru brings down Asuma with the chakra bladesAsuma gives the three of them high praiseAsuma dies in peace Naruto senses something bad happeningHe runs off lying about having to use the bathroomBee: “I’ll tell you where the bathroom is.”Hachibi: “Stop him!!” A big group of lookout guards appear before NarutoShino’s dad starts to explain what’s going on (not positive about this translation)Iruka shows up.
Naruto 534 : According to the databook, Chōji is the only character to have a stat go down between databooks: his hand seal score goes down by half a point between the second and third databooks.tags: naruto 534, naruto 534 spoiler, naruto 534 spoilers, naruto 534 zip, naruto chapter 534, naruto spoiler, ナルトネタバレ 第534話
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