
mardi 21 juin 2011

Naruto Shippuden Vostfr - episode 217

naruto shipudden 190 vost eng sub rutube streaming rapidshare
Naruto Ship­pu­den 217 Vostfr Strea­ming sor­tira le jeudi 23 juin 2011 et, d’abord dans une ver­sion en vosta en fin de mati­née, puis le soir-même du même la vostfr sera dis­po­nible selon les teams de fan sub que j’ai pu contac­ter. Son titre en Fran­çais sera “les infiltrés”.

Naruto Ship­pu­den 217 Vostfr continu sur les ten­sions entre Sasuke et Naruto, au final, les pro­ta­go­nistes ont su éviter l’affrontement, pas de com­bat entre les deux, mais une conver­sa­tion, avec des flash-back. Après sa bataille contre Danzo, Sasuke n’a pas retrouvé sa vita­lité, et face à Naruto, Kaka­shi et Sakura il fait pas vrai­ment le poids. Madara a donné l’ordre a Zetsu d faire une ins­pec­tion du champs de bataille . Naruto va devoir stop­per Sasuke, il ne veut plus deve­nir Hokage, il est seule­ment déter­miné à cre­ver Sasuke , en faire un exu­toire qui rame­nera toute sa haine avec lui dans la tombe, si ce der­nier cherche a atta­quer à son vil­lage Konoha.
Après le départ de Madara, Zetsu et Sasuke ce der­nier demande à Madara de lui don­ner les pupilles d’Itachi, il a comme idée de deve­nir encore plus fort que Naruto et le vaincre, la céré­mo­nie a déjà commencé…

samedi 18 juin 2011

One piece 503 sub Ita

Serie anime buone si caratterizza per un’azione rapida e uno scenario interessante, il design più ingegnoso, il più spettatori davanti alla tv o al computer. Senza dubbio, uno di questi è una lunga serie di One Piece, già nel prossimo weekend vedrà Episodio 503 del nostro equipaggio pirata preferito, è da oltre 10 anni trascorsi insieme a guardare tutti gli episodi, quindi non c’è da meravigliarsi che la prossima serie è molto popolare e non vi è alcuna indicazione deve essere alcuna interruzione nella produzione o trasmissione. Molto è cambiato da quando il primo episodio, alcuni degli eroi caduti in battaglia, altri hanno irriconoscibile. Tuttavia, l’immortale Monkey Rufy e Nami certamente affrontare temi di attualità e problemi, non è il caso, che non avrebbe risolto congiuntamente. Abbiamo bisogno di sapere è che molti episodi più davanti a noi, manga pubblicato finora in 616 capitoli, il che significa che anche un minimo di 100 episodi – un minimo di 2 anni! Questa è una grande festa per tutti gli appassionati di pirati. C’è probabilmente serie anime più comuni e, quindi, invitiamo tutti a caldo per vedere il prossimo episodio, One Piece 503 Sicuramente sarà caldo e non a corto di un’azione rapida e scambi feroci.

Episode One piece 503 eng sub

Good anime series is characterized by fast action and an interesting scenario, the more ingenious design, the more viewers in front of TV or computer. Undoubtedly, one of these is a long series of One Piece, as early as next weekend will see Episode 503 of our favorite pirate crew, it’s more than 10 years spent together watching all the episodes, so it’s no wonder that the next series is very popular and there is no indication is to be any interruption in production or transmission. Much has changed since the first episode, some of the heroes fallen in battle, others have changed beyond recognition. However, the immortal Monkey Luffy and Nami certainly cope with current issues and problems, it is not the case, which would not have solved jointly. We need to know is that many more episodes before us, manga released so far in 616 chapters, which means that even a minimum of 100 episodes – a minimum of 2 years! This is a great feast for all fans of pirates. There is probably more common anime series and, therefore, invite all hot to watch the next episode, One Piece 503rd It will definitely be hot and not run out of fast action and fierce exchanges.

Ep Naruto Shippuuden 216 vostfr

Tant d’années se sont écoulées depuis la création du premier épisode naruto, mes fans sont ravis que nous pouvons continuer à suivre les aventures de nos personnages préférés de Naruto Shippuuden. Les épisodes suivants sont fait une grande impression, et de partager le manga n’est pas comparable à rien d’autre, que ce qui peut être assimilé naruto anime Dragon Ball, qui a été aussi brillante. Il a été et est grand. En cette semaine ne sera sûrement pas manquer d’aller le jeudi le dernier épisode de Naruto Shippuuden 216 vostfr dans laquelle nous voyons l’action et les combats, ne manquez pas le drame et quelques nouvelles discussions. Uzumaki Naruto avait déjà fait beaucoup de retour avec son maître Jiraiya à la ville. Changé pour le mieux, a mûri et est prêt à livrer la bataille finale, la ville de Konoha n’est pas étrangère à lui et fera tout pour y rester. Ce que vous voyez dans le Shinobi Top-Class peut passer toutes nos attentes, l’épisode arrive lentement à sa fin, les producteurs ont préparé la masse de surprises et de nouveautés, nous ne serons pas d’action manque et de l’émotion, et même tuer certains personnages ne serait pas beaucoup d’une grosse surprise en fin de compte respectivement pour ouvrir la porte à l’nouvel épisode, qui vient immédiatement après la série actuelle. Fans Shippuuden ne faut pas oublier, rien que pour eux sortiront bientôt prochain épisode de longue durée, et en fait un film qui soulève certainement beaucoup de cœur et de gagner encore plus fan de base. Il n’y a rien d’autre comme vous inviter à regarder le dernier épisode 216, et pour tous ceux qui n’ont pas encore regardé l’anime, il est temps d’essayer de se convaincre de la beauté et imprévisible est le monde du manga.

jeudi 9 juin 2011

Naruto shippuden 215 vostfr - Ep Naruto 215

L;épisode qui pour­rait mener a un duelt entre Sasuke et Naruto, debar­quera le Jeudi 9 juin 2011 et sera dis­po­nible à midi en anglais, le soir même Naruto ship­pu­den 215 aura sa Vostfr.
Dans Naruto Ship­pu­den 215 Vostfr, >Sasuke a réussi à vaincre Danzo, mais Sakura le sur­prend­sur le champ de bataille et lui pro­pose d’aller avec lui après avoir déserté. Sasuke informe Sakura que son objec­tif est de démo­lir Konoha, et recons­truire son clan qui avait été,jadis, exterminé.
Sasuke, a bien tenté d’assassiner de Sakura mais l’arrivée sur­prise de Kakashi-Sensei l’a mira­cu­leu­se­ment sauvé. Les deux pos­ses­seurs des yeux de Sha­rin­gan engagent un dudl, Sasuke a l’avantage. Sakura avait menti à Sasuke, son but prin­ci­pal était de mettre à mort Sasuke, elle a essayé pen­dant les com­bat de Kaka­shi avec son ancien élève d’assassiner Sasuke,
Naruto veut sau­ver Sasuke de mais ce der­nier est déter­miné à se obte­nir ven­geance et , de cou­per tout les liens qui l’unisse a Konoha et ainsi remettre sur pied le clan Uchiwa.

jeudi 26 mai 2011

Episode Naruto Shippuden 213 VF

naruto shippuden vo eng sub 213
Bonne nou­velle pour les fans de Naruto, en effet, on connaît la date de sor­tie de Naruto Ship­pu­den 213 Vostfr, l’épisode sor­tira le jeudi 26 mai 2011, d’abord en ver­sion anglaise (vosta) , la ver­sion fran­çaise arri­vera pro­ba­ble­ment jeud soir. 

Sakura est bel et bien arri­vée devant Sasuke, elle demande déser­ter Konoha pour par­tir avec lui, mais qui la sui­vra? Naruto est réveillé, il ne peut que consta­ter que Sakura allait retrou­ver Sasuke, il part à sa recherche.

Bleach 324 Vostfr - Episode Bleach 324

L’épisode 324 de Bleach devrait sor­tir le mardi 31 mai 2011, cette épisode d Bleach 324 appa­rai­tra en vo Eng sub (sous-titré en anglais), les teams Anglo­phone sont tou­jours les plus rapides, mais dès mardi soir, vous devriez retrou­ver Bleach 324 en Vostfr .
Dans Bleach 324 Vostfr, on assiste à une véri­table mon­tée d’adredaline, mais les pou­voirs de shi­ni­gami de Ichigo Kuro­saki com­mencent à se dégra­der, un peu norr­mal sur­tout après le com­bat contre 6 shi­ni­ga­mis simul­ta­né­ment, Ichigo est vrai­ment à la peine . Plu­sieurs Rei­gai capi­taines font leurs appa­ri­tions dans ce combat.
Yama­moto Gen­ryu­sei vs Uki­take (rei­gai) et Kyo­raku (rei­gai): le commandant-général perd un bras dans la bataille contre Aizen, les rei­gai des capi­taines Uki­take et Kyo­raku sont n peu inquiet, pour eux, il est imps­sible de vaincre le vieux Yam-Jii dans un affron­te­ment Fron­tal. si Inaba pou­vait créer un regai de commandant-général les consé­quences seraient sans nul doute dramatique.
On peu voir le duel Zaraki Ken­pa­chi Vs Zaraki Ken­pat­chi (rei­gai) dans la pre­view de Bleach 324. Le capi­taine de la qua­trième divi­sion Uno­hana a tout décou­vert à pro­pos de Inaba.Allons nous assis­ter à une com­bat du doc­teur dans cet épisode ?

vendredi 29 avril 2011

Bleach Manga 446 | ブリーチ 446 Spoilers

Here we are for the latest bleach manga 446, Get to watch the next Bleach chapter 446.
Catch the latest bleach 446 spoilers, Read one piece 619 scans Online.
The chapter was pretty good. I will like next week even more if its an actual fight with Ginjo and Tsukishima. But what made this chapter for me was Riruka. Yes its been a chapter or two but i missed her and her two panels brought me joy.

This whole "Fullbring" ability is more interesting that I thought it would be. I thought it was just going to be some lame filler so Ichigo could get his power back but I think that Ichigo's Fullbring will augment his shinigami powers and make him something else entirely. The ability to control the soul of his surroundings as well as the full force of his bankai and hallow abilities? I can only speculate on exactly what kind of enemy can stand up to that if that's what's going to be released. 

bleach 446 raw and bleach 446 english scans will be posted here under naruto chapter.
This page of bleach 446 raw will be updated as soon as bleach 446 spoilers will be available.

One Piece Manga chapiter 622 | ワンピース 622 Raw

One Piece 622 will be out soon, many thank to scanlation group because making One Piece manga chapter is a lot of hard work to do. Scanning, cleaning and translating. one piece 622 spoiler, Read one piece 622 English Scan Online will be available on wednesday, please check back soon.
one piece manga 622
read one piece 622 will be the first site to have one piece 622, Read one piece 622 English Scan Online.
click on pics below to start reading one piece chapter 622 online at 
Thank you! Please keep coming back for newer chapters of one piece 622
one piece 622 and Read one piece 622 RAW Scan Online.

Naruto Manga Chapter 537 ナルト 537 Raw Spoilers

Here we are for the latest Naruto Manga 537, Get to watch the next Naruto chapter 537.
Catch the latest naruto 537 spoilers, Read naruto 537 scans Online.

Gedo Mazo pushes it way through the enemy lines, slaughtering everyone.
Chouza:It's Madara, we're not prepared fall back!
Choji: What about these guys dad!
Shikamaru: Forget them Choji you're gonna be killed if you stay here!!
Choji throws the Hyuga at the statue and releases Kakuzu
Dan: Run forget about the barrier!
Ino: What kind of summon is that??
Raikage: WHAT!?
Mabui: It seems Madara has summoned some kind of creature and is attacking Darui's division.
Tsunade: It must be a fusion of the 7 tailed beasts. Order them to fall back and notify the other divisions.
Raikage: I can't just sit here and watch my men get killed, I'm going to help them.
Shikaku: Please lord Raikage...we need you here.
Raikage: Forget it, we need to move to plan B. If he has a creature that strong then we must attack it with everything we got.
naruto 537 raw and naruto 537 english scans will be posted here under naruto chapter.
This page of naruto 537 raw will be updated as soon as naruto 537 spoilers will be available.
source : mangalaxy

jeudi 7 avril 2011

Scan Naruto Chapitre 534 「ナルトネタバレ」 534 Spoilers

Scan Naruto 534 「ナルトネタバレ」 534 Spoilers naruto

Get the lates Naruto 「ナルトネタバレ」 534 Spoilers and predictions. And if you would like to discuss the spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below.

Naruto 534 Spoilers Pictures

Choji (sous sa forme papillon) balance au loin Asuma

Asuma le félicite/compliment

Shikamaru participent également au combat Shikamaru met Asuma à terre en utilisant les lames de Chakra

Asuma félicitent ses trois disciples Asuma meurt en paix

Naruto a un mauvais pressentiment Il s’enfuit prétextant vouloir aller au toilettesBee : Attends au moins que je te montre où sont les toilettesHachibi : Arrête-le !!Un groupe de gardes se dresse devant Naruto. 534: farewell, ino shika cho!!Caption “choji, the emergence of determination!!” Ino: ! (choji’s got thin!..does this mean its the ? he once did)Shika: its like…the same effect as the pepper-pill. is he ok?Choza: yes he is! (2nd babble unreadable)He pulled off ‘ Control’, a secret of Amikichi clan, by himself without using a chrysalis. Therefore, no ill effect of a medicine.Asuma: Was the pupal shell harder than you thought?Now then…you can fly, right? the 3ndasuma:i have nothing to teach you anymore”It was the perfect ino-shika-cho!ino:…sensei…shika: …asuma…cho: asuma sensei (thank you) the 2ndnaruto:…then, we can talk outside?Iruka: Gen-san.(shino’s papa)..i will talk to him.Naruto:!!?Naruto: I (pronounced as ‘e’)…Iruka sensei!!End caption “Iruka to persuade naruto…!” Naruto 534 Spoilers Summaries Credits: OhanaVerification: ConfirmedTranslation: Geg 蝶チョウジ、アスマぶっ飛ばす。褒めるアスマイノ、シカマルも参加してシカマル、チャクラ刀でアスマ仕留める。アスマ、イノシカ蝶べた褒めアスマ成仏。チリナルト、異変に気づく。トイレ行くと嘘ついてダッシュビー トイレの場所説明八尾 止めろよ!!ナルトの前に見張り役がぞろぞろシノパパが話し始めようとするとイルカ先生が出てくる。パラ見のサーセイ。 Butterfly-Chouji sends Asuma flyingAsuma commends himIno and Shikamaru participate as wellShikamaru brings down Asuma with the chakra bladesAsuma gives the three of them high praiseAsuma dies in peace Naruto senses something bad happeningHe runs off lying about having to use the bathroomBee: “I’ll tell you where the bathroom is.”Hachibi: “Stop him!!” A big group of lookout guards appear before NarutoShino’s dad starts to explain what’s going on (not positive about this translation)Iruka shows up.

Naruto 534 : According to the databook, Chōji is the only character to have a stat go down between databooks: his hand seal score goes down by half a point between the second and third databooks.tags: naruto 534, naruto 534 spoiler, naruto 534 spoilers, naruto 534 zip, naruto chapter 534, naruto spoiler, ナルトネタバレ 第534話

vendredi 18 mars 2011

Bleach chapitre 441 spoilers

Scan bleach 441 spoilers
Read the lates BLEACH 「ブリーチ ネタバレ」 441 Spoiler and predictions. And if you would like to discuss the spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below.
bleach 441

BLEACH 441 Spoiler Summaries
Credits: Ohana
Trans : Sheetz@Flol
帰りに、一心パパを見つけ 影から見てると
Ichigo heads to Unagiya’s
Unagiya: “That’s why children should rely more on adults.”
They have a short conversation.
Ichigo goes home and sees Papa Isshin. He watches from the shadows.
He sees that Urahara has come to meet with Isshin.
Isshin notices Ichigo nearby
and says to go someplace else. He disappears with Urahara.
Ichigo is impatient and says he has to hurry up and get his power back.
This time Riruka uses her fullbring to put him in a water tank.
Ichigo enters without argument.
Ichgio versus Jackie (Ginjou’s comrade.)
The end.
Although their interaction is never shown in either the manga or the anime, in the Bleach Bootleg it is stated that Sado gave Hisagi instructions on how to play the guitar. In the Bleach popularity polls, Sado has ranked 6th, 14th, 31st and 18th.

Scan Chapitre naruto 532 spoilers

Get the lates Naruto 「ナルトネタバレ」 532 spoilers and predictions. And if you would like to discuss the spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below.
naruto 532

Naruto 532 Spoilers Summaries
Credits: Ohana
Verification : Confirmed
Translation: yagami1211
NARUTO 532 ミフネVS半蔵、決着!!
NARUTO 532 Mifune Vs Hanzou, Final Round.
Mifune : You don’t remember me, all right. But it seems you don’t even remember our past fight.
Mifune’s sword is destroyed.
Hanzou slash him and Mifune bleed from his head.
Hanzou : This is the poison of the Salamander. Of course, my weapon is poisoned too.
Mifune : Ugh
Hanzou : I’ll tell you why people call me “Hanzou of the Salamander”. As a souvenir you will take with you to hell.
In my village there is a black salamander that can create mortal toxical poison.
Mifune : !?
Hanzou : I was a child When it died. I embedded his poison bag. It’s right here. ( Left side of his stomach ) so I can be immune to his poison.
And I can poison my surrounding just by breathing.
As I child I was scared so I stopped breathing with my mouth to prevent poisoning my surrounding.
Mifune : So why didn’t you remove your mask ?
Hanzou : Because there is a risk. My mask is there to prevent me from breathing my own poison.
Mifune : ?
Hanzou : Think about it, if someone slash my inner poison bag, the poison would exit my body and there is a possibility that I would breath it.
If I breath all the poison, it would override my poison resistance and I would be render unable to move, creathig an opening.
And I can’t allow this to happen. So I can fight people like you.
Mifune : People and swords are alike. But now it’s … over for me. Profound Sadness !
Hanzou : Let me tell you something. Do you know when people die ?
Mifune : ?
Hanzou : When they lose their beliefs.
That’s why you were a pain. People judge from outward apparence. You may be defeated but
that’s not because you were too soft.
That’s because you were afraid of my name. Because you swore to prtect your friends. Thoses friends you used as shields.
Mifune : *panting*
Hanzou : Now, hero, I will name you. Tell me when you die, Tell me your NAME !
Mifune : *breathing heavily*
Hanzou : Let me hear it !
Mifune : Don’t ever lay a hand on my samurai comrades.
Hanzou : Here’s a counter poison medecine.
Mifune : ?
Hanzou : They say you can’t judge one’s belief by looking at people. I realized during battle.
It’s been a long time I saw someone like you. Today, I let you live. It’s not like you were going to die immediatly after, though.
Hanzou uses counter poison medecine on Mifune.
Hanzou : From on now, will you die with your beliefs ? Or will you throw them and live ?
Back to present.
Mifune : I wanted to make sure but … did you really threw you beliefs ?
Hanzou : You can’t judge that by looking at me.
Mifune : !
Hanzou : I’m immortal all right, but there is a way to stop me. I already explained it to you Mifune.
Use the opening to seal me. If you don’t do it, you will …
Samurai : Master Mifune ! The poison is …
Mifune : I’m ok. I have resistance against this poison. But from on now it will be different.
Everyone back off, with me. Prepare the seal.
Hanzou prepare to use his blade.
Mifune : Look around you.
Hanzou : Mifune, I entrust my beliefs to you. ( Hanzou stabs himself with his blade ).
Samurai : Seppuku ?
Hanzou : This poison is the real deal.
You can’t breath this even if your have resistance against it, be careful.
Kabuto : My order fuuda tag is faiding. Suicide ? Then I just have to control all their moves myself one by one.
Hanzou shivers and crumbles.
Mifune : So you didn’t threw you beliefs after all.
Multiple ninjas performs a seal on Hanzou.
Kabuto : What the ? The tag stopped working.
Mifune : “Hero” was the name you gave me. I was able to see your beliefs with my own eyes. Well done, Hanzou-dono.
Shikamaru : Stop being a slowpoke, Chouji. Pull yourself together.
Ino : He’s coming !
Asuma : Shikamaru ! Use Shadow Mimic on Chouji to capture me !
Shikamaru : That’s what I’m planning. ( Kage Mane no Jutsu ! )
Shikamaru manage to capture Asuma by using Chouji’s shadow.
Shikamaru : Now, Chouji !
Asuma : (Perfect !)
Chouji uses Partial Multi-Expansion Jutsu on his hand and goes for Asuma’s head but stops his gigantic
fist just before hitting Asuma’s face.
Asuma : What the HELL are you doing Chouji ?
Shikamaru : Chouji ! Come on !
Ino : Chouji …
Chouji : I can’t. I just can’t. I’m unable to knock down and hit Asuma. I can’t do that.
Asuma : Chouji ! ( Asuma roundhouse kick and blow off chouji )
Asuma : DODGE ! Fuuton : Fuujin no Jutsu ( Wind Style : Dust Blast Technique ).
Hanzō’s nickname and his element affinity have significant meaning because in ancient mythology, although being amphibious, the salamander was considered the living symbol of fire and as such was completely fireproof and able to live in fire itself.

tags: naruto 532, naruto 532 spoiler, naruto 532 spoilers, naruto 532 zip, naruto chapter 532, naruto spoiler, ナルトネタバレ 第532話

One Piece Scan 618 Spoilers

scan onepiece 618 spoilers

Get the latest ONE PIECE 「ワンピース」 618 Spoiler pics and summaries . You can also read previous ONE PIECE 617 manga spoiler. Please leave a comment below if you would like to discuss the spoilers or have any predictions.
ONE PIECE 618 Spoiler Summaries
Credits: Ohana
Verification: Confirmed
Translation: Aohige_AP
ohana’s bigger summary
Colored cover is Straw Hats hanging out at some marketplace
Luffy and Usopp are flying on balloons
Nami is looking up at them from a window, and Zoro is on a bicycle
Brook is handing out the balloons
Sanji is carrying food, Franky sitting on stairs, Robin is under an umbrella
618: Proposal
Citizens: Princess Shirahoshi is being kidnapped!!
Chopper: Don’t turn around!! (to Sanji)
Shirahoshi cries
Sanji: Chopper…. I choose fulfil my dream and die!!
Sanji turns around and turns to stone
Luffy is worried about Hachi
The citizens tieup Luffy, Sanji, Hachi, and Chopper
Vander Decken arrives there
Vander: Shirahoshi!! Marry me!!
Shirahoshi: You’re not my type!!
citizens: Please flee, Princess Shirahoshi!
Luffy: If you go far away, I can’t protect you!!
Luffy shuts up the citizens with his haki
Luffy kicks Vander twice using both his legs
Vander is buried into the ground
Sanji is enchanted (by the princess)
Shirahoshi unties Luffy
Shirahoshi tries to hop on Megalo to flee, but Wadatsumi gets in her way
Luffy JET Pistols Wadatsumi
He gets on Megalo, and they (Princess and Luffy) head to the Forest of Sea
Camie and Nami gets out of the castle and heads for the Forest of Sea
Nami: I need to see Jinbei! Please take me to Forest of Sea!
Usopp looks inside the sea using his goggles
Zoro cuts Hodi, and Hodi’s eyes are white
Hodi’s subordinates yell for their boss’s safety
I shortened it quite a bit to summarize, but that’s the gist (Ohana’s words, not mine)
EDIT: From T’s post, Vecken is still chasing them
Wadatsumi lost a tooth from Luffys JET.
Trivia: The Clima-Tact is the upgraded form of Nami’s signature weapon. Created by Usopp, it resembles a bo-staff that can be separated into three pieces. This staff was later modified and renamed the Perfect Clima-Tact.
tags: one piece 618, one piece 618 spoiler, one piece 618 zip, ワンピース 618

jeudi 10 février 2011


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Kino Tachira sorteo 979 Resultados 6 febrero 2011

Kino Tachira sorteo 979 Resultados 6 febrero 2011
Kino Tachira sorteo 979 Resultados 6 febrero 2011

Kino Tachira Sorteo 979 resultados 06 de febrero 2011

Les traemos nuevamente los resultados del sorteo de Kino Tachira, sorteo 979 que corresponde al dia domingo 30 de Enero 06 de febrero 2011 del 2011.Los resultados de este fabulozo sorte lo puedes ver aqui y podras ver si eres el feliz ganador.El sorte se transmiete por el canal venezolano(Venevision) todos los domingos sin falta. Les deseamos mucha suerte y seguramente pronto seras el feliz ganador de el sorte de kino tachira 979.
No te olvide de compartir los resultados de Kino Tachira Sorteo 979 | 06 de febrero 2011 con todos tus conocidos que hayan jugado este fabuloso sorteo.

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Naruto 527 Spoiler Español Manga Online

Naruto 527 Spoiler en Español Manga.
Naruto 527 Spoiler / Naruto 527 en Español / Naruto 527 Español / Naruto 527 Raw
Naruto 527 Spoiler Español Manga Online
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No confirmado / Predicción.

Kore ha Zombie desu ka? 01/04 vostfr OUT en DDL

Kore ha Zombie desu ka?
Titre: Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?
Année: 2011
Nombre: 12 épisodes
Genre: [Action] [Comédie] [Magical Girl]  

Aikawa Ayumu est un étudiant comme les autres, au quotidien des plus banals. Malheureusement pour lui, il trouve la mort des mains d’un serial killer… mais il a la chance d’être ressuscité, dans un monde rempli de Magical Girls, par la jeune nécromancienne Eucliwood Hellscythe en tant que zombie et se voit assigné le rôle de son garde du corps. Mais tout n’est pas simple et Ayumu prive malencontreusement une certaine Haruna de ses pouvoirs magiques. C’est donc sous ses ordres et à sa place qu’il devra remplir la mission qui avait été confiée à Haruna : détruire le système anti-magical girls nommé « Megalo ».
Synopsis proposée par : Manga-Online Fansub
Épisode 01 : MegauploadMiroriiiGigasizeTorrent
Épisode 02 : MegauploadMiroriiiGigasizeTorrent
Épisode 03 : MegauploadMiroriiiGigasizeTorrent
Épisode 04 : MegauploadMiroriiiGigasizeTorrent
Épisode 01 : MegauploadMiroriiiGigasizeTorrent
Épisode 02 : MegauploadMiroriiiGigasizeTorrent
Épisode 03 : MegauploadMiroriiiGigasizeTorrent
Épisode 04 : MegauploadMiroriiiGigasizeTorrent